Our Materials & Supplies

The condition of the surface determines the playability of your baseball field. This holds true especially in a baseball infield – “where the action is!”
DURAPLAY® is our brand of soil amendment made from granular, calcined clay. The clay is superheated in kilns to produce superior water absorption. We have used DURAPLAY® in all our field renovations and construction projects since 1988, and we make it available for your use as well.
DURAPLAY® drains more than twice as fast as sand, so excess water vanishes fast enough to resume play at the end of a downpour. You may have rain delays, but no more games postponed due to rain. A DURAPLAY® field is a dry field. Give your fields that extra “playability”

DuraBrick™ is used to reduce the wear areas of your pitchers’ mound and batters’ boxes. DuraBrick™ is a solid, pre-form clay brick that SPORTSFIELDS, INC. has used in the construction and renovation of mounds and batters’ boxes for over 10 years. DuraBrick™ has been used professionally at colleges, high schools, park districts, and little league associations. It is now available for your use. Benefits of DuraBrick™:

all pro plus chalk
Make your sports fields feel like a professional experience! All Pro Plus Field Marker Baseball Chalk is approved by the NCAA rules for athletic marking powders and can be used on baseball, softball, football, soccer or any athletic field. Made of ground limestone, this chalk is high in calcium carbonate giving it the high-contrast white color that will give your fields a professional edge.

Diamond Pro mound clay
Diamond Pro® Professional Mound Clay is a screened, heavy clay with a natural yellowish-brown color. It has a higher clay content than our red Mound/Home Plate Clay and will require more attention for application. For example, it is imperative that this product be hydrated at least one day prior to use in order to have the right moisture for compaction and ultimate performance. Professional Mound Clay can be used in conjunction with our other products or as a stand-alone, everyday maintenance clay. It can be used to construct, maintain, or repair pitcher’s mound, bullpen, catcher’s box, and batter’s box.

The fine particles of Quick Dry make it the perfect choice for quickly clearing up puddles and mud on skinned infields. Just dump and rake to make your infield safe and playable.

Baseball Infield Mix
Baseball Infield Mix is a clean, stone free, 70/30 (clay/sand) mixture used in all our infield renovations and construction projects since 1985. *Please call for a price quotation for delivery in your area. All deliveries are in semis approximately 22 tons. All prices quoted per ton and each delivery is scaled. You pay for what you get… over 10,000 deliveries to date in the Chicago area. Other sand/gravel materials available include: Mustang Red, Top Dressing, and Limestone Screening

Sportsfields Athletic Mix is a mix designed to provide a durable playing surface for high-use park settings, a wide-range of landscape settings, and home lawns.

mustang red track Mix
Mustang Red Warning Track material is a crushed red granite rock, similar to limestone screening used for your warning track area. Mustang Red infield mix has a similar composition to red sand and is beneficial for all your infield needs.